n a t u r e
w i n e o i l
Azienda Agricola Prione

The fruits
of the

«As a little boy I used to play in the countryside and was always fascinated by the work of the adults, and the magic which turned it all into fruit months later. Now that I am an adult myself, I know that the magic wasn’t performed by the adults, but by nature.»

n a t u r e
w i n e
n a t u r e
w i n e
Azienda Agricola Prione Wine

Our WineA


"The taste of wine is like music:
infinitely varied."

e x t r a
v e r g i n e
Azienda Agricola Prione Oil

Our Oil


Superior qualityAn oil rich in fragrant and refined aromas. Superior quality.

n a t u r e
w i n e

From an Idea

The idea of writing a significant page in the book of life, combined with an innate passion for the rural world, was what pushed Clemente Pedercini to create his farmhold, the Azienda Agricola Prione.

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From an Idea Azienda Agricola Prione

A Place

The Azienda Agricola Prione rises amid a unique natural environment of rare beauty, framed out by the Tremosine sul Garda plateau.

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A Place Azienda Agricola Prione